Sunday Worship Resurrection Sunday - 3.29.2024 "Be Not Afraid"

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Sunday Worship Resurrection Sunday - 3.29.2024 "Be Not Afraid"  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  32:52
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Is it a throw-in readers picture? amen

Good morning.

taken from Matthew 28 verses 5 to 10 and the angel answered and said unto the woman Fair naughty for I know that he said Jesus which was crucified he is not here for me is red and has he said come see the place where the Lord lay and go quickly and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead and behold he goeth before you into Galilee there. Shall he see him low I have told you and they departed quickly from the sepulga with fear and great joy and did one to bring his disciples word. And have they went to tell his disciples behold Jesus met them saying all LOL and they came and held him by the feet and worship worship Him 10 and Final. Then said Jesus unto them Be not Afraid go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee and there shall they see me here in the reading of God's holy word may be seated.

Morning saying good morning. Are you glad to be in the house of God Amen on the day? He was resurrected. Yes.

And I'm going to sing a little song for you today.

He was there just in time to rescue me.

Drive to rescue me.

I remember when I was lost in sin and sorrow

I was lost and could not fight.

Have you ever lost a friend?

Someone you loved.

Rescue Me Yes, Lord, hallelujah, he was there just in time to rescue me.

He was doing.

I was going to rescue me.

I'm so glad Jesus love me.

Look at all.

He was there just in time to rescue me, please. He was just

And he will read it again.

He was just in time to rescue me.

New York Knicks

he was going to ask you.

Hallelujah, hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Thank you Lord, Jesus for being there just in time to rescue me to rescue you Hallelujah.

Justin Time Rescue Me

Hallelujah, and amen.

We came to tell you what Jesus said repent of your sins. And what do you mean 7% off your pants? And so I came to tell you what you can do tell you what?

One more time. I came to tell you what Jesus said.

This is what it's all about. We are here. Spread the good news of Salvation Hallelujah. If you are not save Hallelujah, I come to tell you what Jesus said. He said repent of your sins and be baptized.

It is my privilege to my pleasure to introduce to you the pastor of this church The Shepherd of this house. I present to you and introduce the other parts of Steven Birds classifieds complication hallelujah. Thank you Lady Peace. Thank you.

How are you?

praise the Lord Have you heard the news of your heart?

diesel 07.

I heard it I heard.


Praise be to God hallelujah.

You do in the Christian faith. This is the day this is the day.

This is what makes us hallelujah. Yes. He was born. But my God, he died last Friday my God, they put them on the floor.

This to your hands I commend my time.

This morning the stone was rolled away.


come see Come See Where he live?

Nothing not but I'm Garvin. Play in his Stead.

Heavenly Father with your heads about praise be to the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ in his great Mercy. He has given us a new purse. Did a Living Hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead into an inheritance? That can never perish spoiler phase. Exalted in the resurrected Jesus declaring The Living Hope and Grace show. For you have risen from the dead. And this good news changes everything. because of your Resurrection we have hopeful children of God know we no longer a slave to our sincere. We are now trapped in your righteousness.

Because of your Resurrection dear God you are the reigning king of kings and Lord of lords of all evil and wicked to minions.

in one day will be fully eradicated Hallelujah. Jesus your death is the death of death. And your Resurrection is the resurrection of all things. You died for my sins and our sins and you have been raised for Rochester fication.

We are beloved shirts. the Lord Jesus we are yours. Father I ask that today the message is heard. Whether I ask that you open the years in minds and hearts of the people O Lord.

The day here and take a portion for them. Empaths what's left over for others? in the name of Jesus

in your resurrected and raining name. I pray hallelujah. Amen. And amen. Hallelujah its Resurrection Church. You may be seated.

Can you imagine what the people thought back then?

Could you imagine?

Going to a gravesite of your loved one and they're not there. Put it in your perspective. How would you act how would you feel what would you think?

Probably the same of what they thought.

Where did I place them? Come on now. Matthew 28:1 in the end of the Sabbath as it began to Dawn towards the first day of the week Came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the Sepulchre. And the verse five it jumps over Penny Angel answered and said unto the woman fear not she for I know that you see Jesus.

Which was crucified? He is not here. For he has risen.

as he said come and see the place where the Lord lay.

28 nine and ten goes on to say in as they went to tell his disciples behold. Jesus met them saying Oh hell

And they came and held him by the feet and worshipped him. then they said Jesus unto them Be not Afraid go and tell my brother in. That they go into Galilee. And there they shall see me. Man Be not Afraid is the title of my message today giving all glory and honor to my Lord and Savior Jesus. Where he is got me to where I am today. Afraid. It means not to be supposed to buy the spirit of fear.

Antimatter is some of fear. Don't react out of fear. Don't be in fear. 2nd Timothy 1:7 says for God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind break all of that stuff that body down your brain.

Give you the spirit of fear, but of power and he gave you some knowledge, sound mind.

She fears the weapon used by the devil.

It's so many children of God are still crippled by fear.

They cannot live a life of Victory if they are living in spiritual fear today. We sell at the triumphant resurrection of our Lord Jesus.

And he's telling us Be not Afraid Church be not afraid for Christ has risen.

He's not in the grave anymore.

We don't need to serve him all bound up. We don't need to be afraid to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

People in the name of Jesus Christ, he has written he has given you all the power at all authority.

And if you just listen to this resurrection message today, you will never live in fear tough live for Jesus. You will have confidence in Jesus the Christ Be not Afraid. Jesus is no longer in the grave he has risen. man The prophecy is unfolding.

Before Mary and Mary Magdalene came to the tomb. There was a great earthquake.

It was of the Angel of the Lord. And there he rolled back the stone.

and with the angel of the Lord appeared the cards it couldn't spend. And they smell like dead man on the ground.

And the two women came to look in the Tomb. then the angel of the Lord said be not afraid. He is not here. He is risen.

Come and see where the Lord lay. And when Jesus appeared to his disciples in the first 10 he said to them be not afraid.

Come on Saints owner up to being afraid own up. If you saw Christ's own up. If you saw the Holy Ghost if you saw an angel would you be Hit if you go through the Bible every time an angel appeared. He said do not be afraid.

He's not in the graves cuz no power could hold him back. No power from rising from the dead.

No funny. No power can hold you back as a Believer and a child of God. in the mighty name of Jesus

every stone blocking your path God removed

SMU saying pastor. There's a couple stones in my path. But I'm telling you to push it out of the way. I'm telling you to climb over that stone. I'm telling you to roll that stone away. I'm telling you to walk around that stone. I'm telling it to run around so I don't care if you're getting your truck out of your way to get that stone out of your way.

That stone will roll away do not be afraid or he has risen.

As children of God, we don't need to be fierce tricking how many times have you woken up in the middle of the night being afraid cuz you had a bad dream being afraid cuz you hurt the curtains move in the wind speed in Ephrata something fell off the countertops in the kitchen.

Let's be real. And that's real as that thing fell over on the kitchen is that real? Jesus Christ died risen and now it's sitting at the right hand of the father.

The Lord Jesus is no longer in the grave. He is not dead. He has risen they look for him among the dead. He wasn't there. He was not in the grave.

Where was proven that the tomb was empty? This Triumph. It's hard trying his victory is our Victory. We shall also rise No, Grave can hold me No, Grave can hold this church. If you are in our Lord Jesus Christ,

From today on No, Grave shall hold your destiny. You are liberated you are lifted up. Jesus Jesus Is Our Lord do not be afraid of Earthly trivial things that we deal with.

His resurrection couldn't be concealed. His resurrection could not be concealed from the world glory to God that's gospel hasn't been stopped. Sorry took God the truth hasn't been hidden glory to God Jesus Christ is alive today and he's living in your mind. Penny's living in your heart.

Jesus Christ is alive. Hallelujah. Hallelujah God no power. Cheese's and with God Jesus and with no.

and with God No, stone can stop Jesus and God. No Soldier can stop Jesus. and with God no Drive.

Come on now. No Pride can hide the truth. And that couldn't stop pieces.

Are you listening to me?

Be not afraid. No wonder Paul said I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. My guy says if you're in over a tough spot just call on your lord and savior. Just say Jesus help me Jesus help me get through this situation will Lord. I am not telling you. I'm not saying Lord, if you get me out of this job lot in this position. I'm going to I'm going to do right or I'm going to stop smoking or I'm going to stop your heart. Just call him. It's a lot easier to tell me how to say I need you. I need you.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me that's Philippians 4:13, write it down flippy in 4:13. I could do all things through Christ who strengthens me to call settings.

Do not be afraid church. He is risen, this is Resurrection Sunday at his Resurrection Sunday the day they went to the Grave.

Is Lazareth but Jesus raised him?

Will be there will be there someday believe in your lord Jesus. For when we go to sleep.

and the Lord appears the Dead the sleeping will rise. They will rise first.

Do not be afraid you can get to your brother Chris. I like it when brother Chris catches up. Yeah, it's at Baseline is backstage to us. Music is the window to our our souls in the heart. But as you open up and listen to the music listen to the words that come along with him.

Do not be afraid. All authority has been given to us.

And that is because he is risen Hallelujah.

All authority has been given us. To witness to others there's a story to be told.

I'm sure you remember graduation. I'm sure you remember. When did space shuttle Challenger blow up? These days are days of remembrance. Today is a day of remembrance the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

We have been given the authority to tell his story. We have been given the authority to talk about the gospel the good news. We have been saved to bring the unsaved to Christ.

We have given our hearts and we are giving our minds we get in our souls we have faith in Jesus Christ. How can we keep that to ourselves?

We were commissions. To go into the work for him. without fear be not afraid.

Men, how many times have we been told? No before?

It's just a two-letter word. No. I don't know about your God. God bless you, let's find another person. It's not our job to get them to come to Christ. It's our job to tell them about Christ. to share the good news So every soul you tell every person you tell that Jesus Christ lives and that you could share the good news with him. is one Sol 1 knots on your guitar one marked on your sleeve that you did the work for Jesus that you shared.

And if they listen for 60 seconds invite of the church.

Matthew 28:19 and 20 says go you therefore and teach All Nations. Baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever. I have commanded you. Hello, I am with you always. even into the end of the world

the authority and Power to proclaim the gospel throughout the world is yours. Jesus did his time. It look good one man. 12 men. They look at the world. Look what they created. Look at yourself. and know what you can do to with perseverance persistence you can become. That person proclaiming the word for Christ Hallelujah glory to be God. God is saying to you today do not be afraid the Savior Lives. He is not in the Tomb. He is giving us all the sortie. I'm telling you don't walk in Victory today the enemy shall not stuff you today.

And whatever is stopped you in the past. shop stuff you no longer that sickness has been stopped if poverty top 10 stocks.

Those addictions of drugs and alcohol and pornography habits.

Receive your miracle today. Retrieve it and I'm mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Do not be afraid.

the invitation Is here?

the invitation to give your life to Christ is here. Cuz this is what we do. We share the good news of Jesus Christ. We share. The good news the story The Life the death of Jesus Christ. Is what we do is what we were commissioned to do. Heavenly father. Thank you Lord for this day. Hallelujah. Thank you Lord for the people here today for the ones present and the ones not the ones I'm digital zoom in YouTube. God bless you. Heavenly father. I thank you for the inquisitive Minds. Boulevard cover them pepper them today in this week as they leave.

It is you oh Lord. For we are come to worship you in the precious name of Jesus. I pray hallelujah. Thank you.

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